Archive for October 18, 2009

“Where The Wildout Kings Are” – Kanye and Spike Jonze – “We Were Once A Fairytale”

Posted in Uncategorized on October 18, 2009 by Yooj‽
Vodpod videos no longer available.

Yes I spent my Sunday listening to Gucci Mane, watching football, and ripping and converting this to Vimeo…. and you’re all welcome.

and here is the Quicktime

Comments to come as soon as I finish this Burr…

The story surrounding this piece’s completion, which was first referred to as a follow up from the alt-pop-art-hop besties’ first collaboration “Flashing Lights” and the accompanying visual to “See You In My Nightmares, was released to the ‘nets attention at the suprise screening of the short at the Los Angeles Film Festival back in late June. {remember this?…of course you do}

And then there was nothing for four months.  Understandably, “808’s and Cudiflow” has been given an extremely segmented {or as ‘Ye would say, “normal”} promotional push.  So when I heard that Dtrain FX, the VFX house that should also be celebrating with Spike Jonze come Oscar time due to the response that the visually amazing “Where The Wild Things Are” will garner his weekend, was releasing the short in celebration of them being actual geniuses…I thought it serve as a perfect companion visual to WTWTA {kinda like what “Hotel Chevalier” was to “The Darjeeling Limited“} while also giving Kanye yet another bookmark in today’s pop-culture RSS Feed…

I also just watched “Where The Wild Things Are”, and ultimately understand how this was a perfectly conceived cobranding effort from both these dudes.  Both offerings bring the psyche back to the meddling, insecure, ego-driven,  impulsive, easily-influenced, 8 year old in all of us.  The timing and the writing is refreshingly vulnerable.  It’s like little kids television for adults…  Good shit guys.

Why won’t Kanye just let Spike be great?… I mean I can’t front though… I’m only a customer. I’ve already pre-ordered both of Kanhenny’s books… *Yooj shrug*

Glow In The Dark – Released October 20th


Kanye West x Bill Plimpton – Through The Wire – Released November 1oth

Through The Wire

Ping respect back to UHTN, Nah, and The Older God for forcing me to class up this post for the visitors. And of course ‘Ye for allowing me to be great.